Happy New Year! … no?  Wait, it’s what month now?!

Hello again everyone and welcome to the first update in a looooong time. It looks like the world is thankfully on it’s way out of a pandemic state, and a return to dancing might soon be possible.

But not quite yet. As swing dancing is an activity with a lot of close contact socializing, we are being very cautious about returning to regular classes. As always, your health and safety is our first priority, and our decision on when to start classes again will depend on that.

At the moment, it looks like we might be able to start perhaps in August or September, but we cannot be certain yet. Once we know for sure, we will make lots of announcements, and we thank you all very much for your patience.

Stay safe, stay healthy, look out for one another, and enjoy the summer 😀

Looking forward to seeing you again,

Love, Steph and Bruno